Thursday, June 16, 2011

Harry Potter

Can't wait comes out the day after my birthday :D haha just should have drawn Harry too, oh well.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Live Export

So If you don’t know there’s been some terrible cow slaughter in Indonesia brought to light recently particularly here in Australia because the seven or so places were receiving some Australian cattle. Leading to a six month live export ban to Indonesia. Now I want to bring to light some things apart from the animal cruelty because that has been covered thoroughly by many people so far, and although I in no way agree with it there are other things I think are also important.

Since being in the vet course I have joined the student run cow group ( and the ethics one and a few others) and I have had a chance to hear from and meet people in the business, go to sale yards and talk to other students about our live export industry. It’s not as easy as just saying we should shut it down. The people I have met have been amazing and all genuinely cared for these animals and where they were going to end up. We have laws and regulations and piles of paperwork that go into the shipping part. Programs have been set up in countries to help with both holding yards, feedlots, unloading and slaughter. I am by no means saying it is perfect and that we can stop all that goes on but there are certainly people trying.

Why not just send it all over done up and frozen you ask? Well we do send a lot already for supermarkets but there is still a demand for live animals. Halal slaughter is sometimes an issue, although we do have Hala abattoir’s here with representatives from the countries inspecting the work. Also people in these countries teaching acceptable stunning methods to avoid pain in Hala slaughter. Not all people can afford the more expensive packaged meat either or want animals for festivals. Such as Eid al-Adha or “Festival of Sacrifice” or “Greater Eid” an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God, before God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead. The meat is divided into three parts. The family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the other third is given to the poor & needy.

These countries that import animals do so because they can not successfully grow their own to meet demand. If countries such as Australia who are working to make the industry better do not supply them some one else will.
Now specifically to the cow issue and how the six month ban should not let you sleep easy because they are now saving the cows. There are now cow’s stuck in limbo with no where to go (who were going to Indonesia but not just the ones that would have ended up where the problem is, all of them.) These cows can’t weigh more than 350kg ( Although animals have to be a healthy weight to be shipped also) before sailing because they are being sent to feed lots over seas to be fed up for slaughter. This means that because they are sold the farmer can’t take them back but they are not large enough to go straight to and abattoir. We also don’t have enough abattoirs to deal with the numbers. So what do we do with them?

Once the six month ban is up it will be past mustering season and the wet season will kick in. this means that farmers miss out on a whole years pay. This will be devastating for a lot of families. Who will struggle to supply water and adequate food to their animals until next season.
You will find no argument from me about the countries economy because the animals are important and we can’t ignore the issue but at the same time I don’t think it has been handled well by the government.

If you want to discuss the topic further I will be happy to but I will ignore anyone who just wants to hate on me, and my views on the matter, in an inappropriate way.

Friday, May 27, 2011


So the semester is almost over!! which means i will finally get around to updating here. if you want to know more about my vet stuff I suggest my tumbler, you will find the link in a post bellow. I also tend to update there more often.

Exams start tomorrow and don't end till the 8th of next month so i still wont have time till then. So here is another cute puppy photo till then :)

Friday, April 29, 2011


Like usual life is epically busy. It's been nice to have a bit of a break over easter. But with exams almost every week and assignments and more lectures on top i run out of time for much else. I have been debating getting an ipad. Just wondering if anyone has one and what you think of it?

Sunday, April 10, 2011


so there isn't much of it lately, I have made a tumblr account as its easier to update. Although when I have time I'll post longer more detailed stuff here :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So it's week six now and we finally have a break. It has been hectic but  so much fun. I have three subjects this semester:

Bio Chem- interesting but a little dry most of the time
Physiology- Hard work and a lot to remember
Anatomy- hands down my favorite and i think it will help my drawing

The best parts though are the animals, walking the schools greyhounds, dissections and we went out to the cattle yard the other morning.

I will try post some drawings when my scanners working again :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I don't want you to tell me it's ok!
Just tell me it sucks and leave it at that.
I have to sort it out myself.
But maybe not just yet.
Let me be sad and grumpy.
I want a hug, from you and only you...
Who are you?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I sat in the small corner of the coffee shop as always on a Friday afternoon, the blue booth like sea ton the wall under the bright green pear painting, at the small wooden table. The shop has it's usual customers in fine clothing with young children, the kind that don't work on a Friday and can afford to go out to lunch to get out of their big empty houses.
The front is all closed with clear plastic blinds and the heater is on keeping out the strange chilled wind that should not still blow this far into the start of summer.
The cold air rushed in occasionally as the door is opened and shut as people walk in and out in front of where I sat. The cold air creating currents in the hot air inside the shop. The Christmas snowflake decorations strung across the roof tinkle as the proceedings go on, and the vase of bear branches covered in blue and white decorations sways dangerously if the door is open too long.
The sky is grey clouds and the dull dark blue ocean churns in the distance only seen through the mayhem, It's roar not quite loud enough to be heard amongst the chatter.

The chilled wind blew in and he caught my eye as he stood holding the door open for a lady to leave before he entered the cafe. I was in just the right spot to watch everyone as they came and went. The boy with the sparkling ocean eyes and softly curling hair cut in the trend of the time with the short sides and longer on top. In his summer shorts and grey singlet. I was sure he was hear to meet one of the similarly well dressed girls. He talked on a cell and sat at the a table not to far in front of mine, out of the way with only seats for two.
His coffee came, carried by the brunette waitress, he didn't even look up as she sat it down with a pen and a black book already laid out on the table in front of him. He sat back and surveyed the shops occupants before, to my surprise, opening the black book to reveal pale yellow lined paper with amazing curved black hand writing. The black book open now held in his hands the pen adding to the elegant script. His eyes frequently surfacing to survey his surroundings. No one joined him he just sat and wrote.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 9

Two events/actions that describe your life right now:

-One percent talent, ninety nine percent hard work

-Waiting before the kayos

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 8

Three turn ons

Good smile-
Is like sun after rain, like an infection catching and contagious but this is the kind I want to catch. I want to feel the sides of your lips curl up as I kiss them. To be the first thing I see in the morning and the last at night.

You need to believe in your self as much as I do, show the world your worth. Don't be arrogant and annoying. I want silently confident and charming. Theres nothing more attractive than a fit, well dressed man, on the train, reading a book, head phones around his neck on the way to university. A quiet, modest confidence oozing from his posture.

Be kind and caring, not only when you think people are watching or it will benefit you. Make it second nature.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 7

Four turn offs.

the foul stench of self harm and mutating tissue oozes through the air and from your skin. you look of slow death and sound no better. I don't know how you can find the living dead attractive.

Excessive drinking-
the poison of choice for this generation it seeps through your tissues, runs in your very blood. Slowly destroying your body from the inside out. First it's a few nights memories, then your liver, then your life. I wont fall for someone I have to watch slowly kill themselves.

bad posture-
slouch your shoulders hang your head, kill your spine and signal to me with your whole body your unworthy. Why should I like you if you can't even be proud of yourself.

Lost on another planet-
I don't mind computer games, although I have never been into them or very good at them I will admit. I enjoy chilling and playing them with you but I can't stand them getting in the way of real life. There are more important things than spending hours shooting virtual people in a world that doesn't really exist of have any importance.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 6

Five people who mean a lot

This one is the hardest for me. Because to narrow down to five from the many meaningful people in my life is a giant task in itself. So I think I will dedicate this to a group of people. You can call it to one or to more than five but these are the new people in my life. So to everyone I have met at university this year. Be it the bio med crew or the ones of you who will be with me through the next five years. I don't expect them to be easy and I know we haven't been friends for very long but if you have my back I have yours. The only way we will make it through sane, relatively, is together.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 5

Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

I don't regret much in my life.
I don't regret liking you back in high school,
I don't regret telling my so called friends,
I don't regret being the loner of the group
I don't regret abandoning them every chance I got.
I don't regret doing physics in stead of bio
or doing art even if I would have had a better chance at vet.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 4

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot:


Monday, January 31, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 3

Eight Ways To Win My Heart

  • To write when all others talk-
    The chilled wind blew in and he caught my eye as he entered the door. I was in just the right spot to watch everyone as they came and went. The boy with the sparkling ocean eyes and softly curling hair, cut in the trend of the time with the short sides and longer on top. In his summer black shorts and grey shirt I was sure he was hear to meet one of the similarly well dressed girls. He talked on the phone as he sat at the a table not to far in front of mine, out of the way with only two seats. His coffee, a pen and a black book laid out on the table in front of him. He hung up, sat back and surveyed the shops occupants before, to my surprise, opening the black book to reveal yellow lined paper with amazing curved black hand writing. The black pen now held in his hands adding to the elegant script. 
  • To make me smile-
    Is to smile your self and in turn I will too. People talk about falling in love when seeing someones eyes but what are eyes without the lines of happiness to frame them. The world would be dull and my happiness forfeited if no one was ever to smile again. You can't hide your true self behind a smile for it will show through to me even if others don't see it. I can tell exactly what you think when you smile. If you smile I will too, I feel your pain more than I ever care to admit so let me know what makes you smile so I can be happy with you.

  • To silently talk-
    To keep up a conversation with ease yet sit in silence for hours, content and with no awkwardness. Convey your feelings through body language as well as words and to read me as well as I do you. I'm not saying we will be perfect but we both need to put in the effort. When one person is left to support a relationship that is when it is no longer. Sit with me, hold me for hours without needing to say a word. Yet when appropriate be the life of the party. It is a gift to be good with words but silence can sometimes speak louder.

  • To Know me better Than I know myself-
    I don't know why I do it, it's like a reflex. When there is even the slightest hint that you may know I like you I cut it's throat rather than let my feelings gush out. I put you down and laugh at you harshly when I love you, and turn sickly sweat like pure icing when I despise you. I don't mean to and I need you to see through it because I can't fight it, why can't you read my mind like they can in movies? We need to write our own script, because it sounds dull and wrong when you use someone else's words. like less impressive copies of a Monet, the lilies a two year olds finger painting rather than the atmospheric impressionism or a Shakespeare play performed as a monologue, no matter how good the words it never reaches it's potential. I need you to paint my world with your own plain words, no clichés, and you will have my heart. 
  • To be hansom-
    no matter how plain you feel it is not your looks that make you beautiful. It is your kindness and sense of adventure. No matter the amount of muscle or the colour of your eyes nor the cut of your hair, even your very bone structure can become ugly with a foul personality. It is your love for life ambition and relaxed nature which makes you as desirable as a Greek god. Nothing more or nothing less. A lot of good a perfect face is if the soul behind it is dull or unkind. Be hansom on the inside and it will show through.

  • Be childish in your fun-
    Camping under bed sheet tents in hotel rooms or chalk drawings of far away places on the foot path. Take me away from the stress and responsibility, if only for a moment, remind me what fun is. Tickle me and make me laugh, rugby tackle me and collapse into the soft grass of the oval behind our house. Race me to the tree across the park and wear no shoes, your toes cushioned by the long fresh grass, sit on the floor and make me laugh until I cry with happiness. Keep me young and fun and protect me, with your embrace, from the hard shell the world works so hard to coat us in, because once I leave your arms it is all I have to protect me.. 
  • Humanity... and me-
    Care for others, care for the animals and the plants, care for the water and the air, care for the less fortunate, care for the world. Care about the homeless man under the bridge, care about the waste from the big companies, care about life, care about humanity, care about the future.
    Don't care about differences in skin, don't care about your appearance, don't care about money, don't care about fame... do care about me.
  • Paint the world in colour-
    be creative, see what others can not even begin to imagine. Pull a rainbow out of the black and white photos of old. Dye the air with strings of notes and harmonious cords from your Fender as your fingers skillfully skate across the strings. Paint permanent images on minds with your twisting pigmented words that run across the page in their own graceful dance. Be one of the romantics of the world, be an artist.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 2

Nine Things About Yourself
  • i'm crazy, but so is everybody else.
  • I believe strongly in being the person you want to be. What you say and how you act and your reasons are what make you the person you are, but only what you allow your self to say and what you put into action is what others judge you on and so you have a lot of control over how people perceive you.
  • I am dyslexic. I am studying vet science and surgery. One of only 100 in the state.
  • I'm a hopeless romantic, but I can't stand cheesy.
  • I'm a natural at I sport I can't afford to do.
  • I have never been particularly skilled at painting or drawing, that was all hard work and practice too.
  • I read to escape.
  • Music helps me survive reality.
  • My only interest in fame is the fact that you are skilled enough at something to be famous.
  • I am terrible when it comes to expressing my feelings to people I care about

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 1

Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People Right Now
  • Some times I'm not sure you even want me there, I know you invite me but then I don't see you the whole night. I want to be there but I can't tell if you only invite me because you think I want to come. I do, but it's not for the music.
  • Thank you for not liking me back. You left me with something more important and helped me more than you will ever know.
  • I never needed you and I relise I never want to see you ever again. I feel sorry for the fool who now calls you a friend, they deserve better. I'm glad you hated me because if you hadn't I wouldn't be where I am today.
  • I am so glad everything worked out. That was all way to close for comfort. Although we did get out early enough.
  • I don't know if your straight, but it doesn't bother me either way, I'll always want to be your friend.
  • I want you to be happy but when ever you are I get forgotten about. I know you don't mean to but it hurts a little. I will suck it up and let you be happy.
  • I have the urge to be nice to you just because you are disabled. People say how we should treat you like everyone else because thats what you want, to be normal. But If you weren't disabled I don't think it would make a difference I still don't think we would be great friends. I feel bad but thats how it is.
  • I wish you would just tell me things straight. I might not agree and I wont listen a lot of the time but at least if I had all the sides I'd be more likely to make the best choice.
  • The worst part about the bunnies was not knowing if she would still be alive when I woke up and knowing that it would have been dealt with already if you had told me in the first place, seems I had already guessed it, but I trusted the vet. I still would have aced my chem exam, I don't need you to start 'protecting' me now. It's a little late for that.
  • Your hard to read. Your emotions are erratic, you find it hard to open up to people, you generally like people but are to shy to talk first in case they don't like you back, you don't make it easy for them although you wish you could, on your good days your amazing, you tend to forget on others that we want you around. I know this because your exactly like me in those ways. So I'll let you in on a secret; I want to be your friend, every day, and you would make my day by talking first.

Monday, January 17, 2011


The polo came to the city a few months ago and i have just gone through and edited the photos I hope you like this one. If you have never been to the polo before I highly recommend it.