Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 7

Four turn offs.

the foul stench of self harm and mutating tissue oozes through the air and from your skin. you look of slow death and sound no better. I don't know how you can find the living dead attractive.

Excessive drinking-
the poison of choice for this generation it seeps through your tissues, runs in your very blood. Slowly destroying your body from the inside out. First it's a few nights memories, then your liver, then your life. I wont fall for someone I have to watch slowly kill themselves.

bad posture-
slouch your shoulders hang your head, kill your spine and signal to me with your whole body your unworthy. Why should I like you if you can't even be proud of yourself.

Lost on another planet-
I don't mind computer games, although I have never been into them or very good at them I will admit. I enjoy chilling and playing them with you but I can't stand them getting in the way of real life. There are more important things than spending hours shooting virtual people in a world that doesn't really exist of have any importance.

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