Thursday, February 24, 2011


I don't want you to tell me it's ok!
Just tell me it sucks and leave it at that.
I have to sort it out myself.
But maybe not just yet.
Let me be sad and grumpy.
I want a hug, from you and only you...
Who are you?

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I sat in the small corner of the coffee shop as always on a Friday afternoon, the blue booth like sea ton the wall under the bright green pear painting, at the small wooden table. The shop has it's usual customers in fine clothing with young children, the kind that don't work on a Friday and can afford to go out to lunch to get out of their big empty houses.
The front is all closed with clear plastic blinds and the heater is on keeping out the strange chilled wind that should not still blow this far into the start of summer.
The cold air rushed in occasionally as the door is opened and shut as people walk in and out in front of where I sat. The cold air creating currents in the hot air inside the shop. The Christmas snowflake decorations strung across the roof tinkle as the proceedings go on, and the vase of bear branches covered in blue and white decorations sways dangerously if the door is open too long.
The sky is grey clouds and the dull dark blue ocean churns in the distance only seen through the mayhem, It's roar not quite loud enough to be heard amongst the chatter.

The chilled wind blew in and he caught my eye as he stood holding the door open for a lady to leave before he entered the cafe. I was in just the right spot to watch everyone as they came and went. The boy with the sparkling ocean eyes and softly curling hair cut in the trend of the time with the short sides and longer on top. In his summer shorts and grey singlet. I was sure he was hear to meet one of the similarly well dressed girls. He talked on a cell and sat at the a table not to far in front of mine, out of the way with only seats for two.
His coffee came, carried by the brunette waitress, he didn't even look up as she sat it down with a pen and a black book already laid out on the table in front of him. He sat back and surveyed the shops occupants before, to my surprise, opening the black book to reveal pale yellow lined paper with amazing curved black hand writing. The black book open now held in his hands the pen adding to the elegant script. His eyes frequently surfacing to survey his surroundings. No one joined him he just sat and wrote.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 9

Two events/actions that describe your life right now:

-One percent talent, ninety nine percent hard work

-Waiting before the kayos

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 8

Three turn ons

Good smile-
Is like sun after rain, like an infection catching and contagious but this is the kind I want to catch. I want to feel the sides of your lips curl up as I kiss them. To be the first thing I see in the morning and the last at night.

You need to believe in your self as much as I do, show the world your worth. Don't be arrogant and annoying. I want silently confident and charming. Theres nothing more attractive than a fit, well dressed man, on the train, reading a book, head phones around his neck on the way to university. A quiet, modest confidence oozing from his posture.

Be kind and caring, not only when you think people are watching or it will benefit you. Make it second nature.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 7

Four turn offs.

the foul stench of self harm and mutating tissue oozes through the air and from your skin. you look of slow death and sound no better. I don't know how you can find the living dead attractive.

Excessive drinking-
the poison of choice for this generation it seeps through your tissues, runs in your very blood. Slowly destroying your body from the inside out. First it's a few nights memories, then your liver, then your life. I wont fall for someone I have to watch slowly kill themselves.

bad posture-
slouch your shoulders hang your head, kill your spine and signal to me with your whole body your unworthy. Why should I like you if you can't even be proud of yourself.

Lost on another planet-
I don't mind computer games, although I have never been into them or very good at them I will admit. I enjoy chilling and playing them with you but I can't stand them getting in the way of real life. There are more important things than spending hours shooting virtual people in a world that doesn't really exist of have any importance.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 6

Five people who mean a lot

This one is the hardest for me. Because to narrow down to five from the many meaningful people in my life is a giant task in itself. So I think I will dedicate this to a group of people. You can call it to one or to more than five but these are the new people in my life. So to everyone I have met at university this year. Be it the bio med crew or the ones of you who will be with me through the next five years. I don't expect them to be easy and I know we haven't been friends for very long but if you have my back I have yours. The only way we will make it through sane, relatively, is together.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 5

Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

I don't regret much in my life.
I don't regret liking you back in high school,
I don't regret telling my so called friends,
I don't regret being the loner of the group
I don't regret abandoning them every chance I got.
I don't regret doing physics in stead of bio
or doing art even if I would have had a better chance at vet.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ten Days of Honesty: Day 4

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot:
